Monday, February 28, 2011


With each new year passing the world's population is increasing and the fear of overpopulation continues to worry the people of todays society. By 2050 China is predicted to no longer be the largest populated country in the world. With the world's population increasing the question still remains on if our world natural resources will be able to provide for the amount of people expecting to expand within years. Although some do not believe that the growing of years will have in impact on the worlds population, there is still conflict on whether or not the people will be able to survive off the resources that will remain for generations of use. Some say that because "nothing ever continues at a present rate" that their is no reason to worry about overpopulation. I think that there should be great fear of overpopulation, because the world is continuing to become to loose a great amount of its resources now, then why is there not a reason to worry about coming short in the next couple of years and so on. Either way their will eventually become a loss of resources, and the people in that time will have to suffer if we don't learn to limit the amount we use now!

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