Sunday, February 27, 2011

Too Much for Egypt!!!!!

Egypt has a dictatorship and the people believe this is what is hurting their country, but the problem is much deeper than the dictatorship. Egypt's population has went from 44 million to more than 80 million in the past 20 years. Egypt is now the most populous country in the Middle East. It's population is growing at a rate of 2% a year. Hosni Mubarak, the dictator of Egypt, has pushed birth contol and smaller families, and these procedures have worked. In 1981, women had more than five children; the fertility rate has slowed down to 3 babies, but three children is still too much. Al-Salam Hassan, a researcher at the Demographic Center of Cairo says, "The attempt to dictate policy from the ivory tower isn't working. To influence people you must involve them in policy. People here don't believe the government is working for them." Because their population is rising so quickly the people are struggling with food shortages, climate change, high oil prices, and youth unemployment. More than 90 percent of unemployed Egyptians are between the ages of 15 and 29, which include the women trying to get jobs. If women are having hard times getting jobs then more children will start being born, which is bad for Egypt economically.

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