Saturday, July 19, 2014

We Need To Save Ground Water!

Ground water reservoirs are depleting and fast!  According to Petra Doll,"the new estimate of global groundwater depletion is 113,000 million cubic meters per year for the period from 2000 to 2009, which is lower than previous, widely varying estimates.  This is a large problem because it means we will  eventually run out of water to water crops. This is most common use of groundwater nowadays. A possible solution is to start converting ocean water to fresh but this is extremely expensive. My personal opinion is that people should just conserve more water. This will help save some water.

1 comment:

  1. Groundwater is not only used to water crops, but also is the primary source for some familys such as mine who live outside of city limits and so don't have access to city water. We have a well to bring up water for drinking, cooking, everything. If all groundwater were to go away, we would have to find another source which would take a lot of time and money. Water conservation is definitely a big deal.
