Friday, July 12, 2013

What could be worse than global warming?

Global warming is a major issue our planet is facing. Temperatures are increasing more each year and they aren’t likely to stop. So what could be worse than that, you may ask? They answer is simple, a loss of biodiversity. The loss of biodiversity is another way of saying extinction and it will have a huge effect if ignored. Over the last few years, the loss of biodiversity has been increasing unlike ever before. Awareness about the loss of biodiversity needs to be spread. Organizations, such as Desert Biodiversity, have been created to help the animals affected and to spread the news. However, most people believe that the current major problems are global warming or the melting of the polar ice caps. That is not the case. The extinction of animals could have a crippling effect on the ecology of the whole world. I feel that animal life is much more important than many people think. We share this planet with the animals, so we should be protecting them just as much as ourselves.


  1. I agree completely. Global warming is a very serious situation that needs to be looked at carefully, but the animals on this planet are important and need to be protected. From the beginning animals have lived on this planet and are now being destroyed by humans. Humans share this world with animals and should do everything in their power to protect them.

  2. David I totally agree. Most people don't realize how substantial of an issue the extinction of animals is. Through losing animals, it disturbs the food chain as well as many other processes which indirectly affect humans. We all say and hear slogans like "save the whales" but what is actually being done to help? It seems as if a large amount of our problems dealing with the environment stem from global warming. Obviously this issue needs to be handled quickly before it gets any worse.

  3. I wonder if global warming will ever improve from its current position. Animals are always dying off and making planet Earth more susceptible to global warming. Plants are also being used for human purposes and also dying off due to natural purposes, which doesn't exactly help global warming. While it is true that plants can grow back and animals can reproduce to make more, we cannot escape the fact that global warming exists and it could be a major problem later on in the future.

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  6. Global warming has increased dramatically in the world today. Killing things that we as humans need to survive. It is fact that we have struggled with extinction for as long as we can remember and it is only getting worse. Biodiversity needs to be spread worldwide so everyone will come to know of it. It is a huge effect on our world today, because not only are animals dying out it is producing a negative effect on our world today. Animals are just as important as humans are and we shouldn't just let them go extinct. A huge portion of this seems to be about global warming and how it is effecting our planet in a negative way. This is something we should try to improve if all is possible. We as humans don't live alone on the earth and not only do we need to protect ourselves but the lives of animals that we love.
