Monday, July 6, 2015

Seafood supply altered by climate change

Scientists believe that the supply of seafood around the world is changing due to climate change, ocean acidification, and human activities. A group of scientists from the Nereus program in Japan studied the future of seafood around the world. Marine ecosystems are being harmed by climate change, overfishing, and ocean acidification. Because of this, biodiversity and food web structures are altering. A solution to this problem could be controlling the amount that corporations can fish. Overfishing is a problem on its own. Ecosystems in the ocean are being destroyed every day. By limiting the number of fish that restaurants and other organizations can catch will drastically help marine ecosystems regenerate. Another solution would be stopping the air pollution though out the world. Global warming is increasing the temperature of the air and oceans. Using more environmentally friendly products would help cut back global warming. A problem with this solution is people find ways to cheat the law. There are always people who are inconsiderate and don’t think about the consequences of their actions. Even if laws are put in place to limit fishing, fishermen who refuse to follow the law will cancel out the people who do. It won’t do any good if everyone doesn’t respect the fishing limits. There are many ways already in place to stop global warming and cut back on the amount of pollution emitted. Simple things like recycling can impact the environment positively. People are too lazy to try and help the environment. This problem is fixable but only with tons of support and effort. If the amount of people who support the cause is larger than the people that don’t, then we could very well fix and maybe even better marine ecosystems.

1 comment:

  1. Support of the General Public

    I also posted an article about global warming's effects on ecosystems. I agree that there should be laws and policies put in place to encourage more environmentally-friendly human impact. I also agree that substantial support from the general public would be virtually impossible to attain, because a lot of people believe that as individuals, they have little to no impact on the world around them, which is a clear misconception.
