Thursday, August 4, 2011

Exhaust-ing ride for cyclists: Air pollutants trigger heart risk

Cycling as a form of environmentally friendly transportation, or even just as exercise, can strengthen the endurance of the cardiovascular system and decrease air pollutants from exhaust-spewing cars. Currently Canadian researchers have linked the pollutants emitted from the exhaust to increased heart risks. Scientists say that “pedaling behind a truck may not be as scary as being hit by one, but still poses invisible dangers.” Cyclists riding close to the tailpipes of vehicles can be in danger of the tiny particles, which may become lodged in the lungs, triggering heart attacks and hospitalization of asthma conditions. Other particles can even cross the blood-brain barrier causing damage to the nervous system. Scientists suggest that cyclists ride at least a few feet away from vehicles traveling the roadways as the pollutant particles clump together, becoming too large to pass into the lungs. These malign impacts do not outweigh the benign affects of cycling, so cyclists should not abandon their bicycles for the front seat of their vehicles. With the addition of bike lanes on busy streets, cyclists are less susceptible to the exhaust pollutants because they are out of the direct line of the vehicle’s tailpipes. Scientists also say that even riding as “little as several feet off the road gave measurable differences in exposure”. To prevent exposure to traffic pollutants, especially for children, the elderly and children, cyclists should avoid busy streets and use bike lanes, unless unavoidable because of a single route to their destination. I believe cities should invest in an increased construction of bike lanes to reduce pollutants. With these developments of health impacts revealed, an escalation of research for new hybrid, environmentally friendly cars should result to prevent future pollution.


  1. I think that the sooner hybrid car become more common and affordable, the better! Not only will the pollutants in the air decrease and the environment will benefit immensely but also the United States will depend less on foreign countries for oil. The economy could benefit as well because people wouldn't have to spend so much money on gas. However, the amount of energy people require will jump significantly because of car chargers, having a negative effect on the environment. If more people could convert to solar panels and wind energy, then the environment would not only benefit from less exhaust emissions from cars and trucks but also because of the renewable energy used instead of power plants.

  2. Adding more bike lines to streets would be a great way to reduce air pollutants! It could also lead more people to bicycle as transit instead of cars as the bicycling traffic would significantly be less than the automobile traffic. This plus other ways to help the environment in the future such as solar & wind energy being more accessible, hybrid and electric cars, the options we have for a cleaner future are endless we just have to keep discovering and practicing better lifestyles.
