Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Low Temperatures Killing Coral Reefs

Everybody has heard of high temperatures killing coral reefs but studies have found that extreme cold kills them too. During this past winter, the Florida Keys experienced a 2 week cold snap. Scientist who went to the reefs saw a desolate wasteland of coral. There was no other sign of life because the corals were the basis of ecosystem. Scientist had to do some test to prove that the cold was really the cause of dead coral reefs. However, this isn’t the only thing that kills coral reefs. Warm temperatures and pollution also have a great effect on them. Saving coral reefs is not an easy task. It is a global problem that needs everyone’s help. We need to prevent greenhouse gases from messing up climates and reduce pollution. You’ve probably heard that before, but it is true. If you start helping the environment, you will be able to save ecosystems such as the coral reefs. I would want to save the coral reefs because that is where my favorite food lives, crab. Without the coral, none of us would have the crab, lobster, and fish we eat. Plus, we would be destroying a very beautiful place in the world.


  1. As important as this is, people will not change their lifestyles due to these warnings until they stop getting their crab, lobster, and fish. Concrete evidence must be presented to the public or else nothing will change.

  2. I went scuba diving this summer and the reefs were my favorite part. There was so much color, life and it acted as protection and a home to millions of fish and sea creatures. Because I have seen it, I understand it and think something should be done to help but the reefs are like every other environment. The icebergs are melting cause of the heat and other areas are changing too. It could be stopped all together if only people were more mindful.

  3. I agree that this is an important issue. The coral reefs in the ocean are home to one of the greatest collective amount of different species than any other part of earth. When one part is harm, the rest is as well. And it is important to inform people about the certain things that are directly influencing this ecosystem, so that they can change their habits. Sometimes the greatest source of error is ignorance.
