Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reducing green house emissions to reduce global warming pace.

A recent study conducted by the NOAA showed that carbon dioxide is not the only measruable greenouse gas contributing to present and future climate issues. The study brought out that there are various hazardous substances that contrubute to the climate and environmental issue faced today. These substances include; Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and various ozone depleting substances. The study went on to say that by cutting back on all of these hazardous substances, not just Carbon Dioxide alone, can reduce estimated climate and enviromental changes of the future. The most apparent problem with the solution is that Carbon Dioxide Still contributes to more than half of the greenhouse effect, and that by cutting down on all of these substances would mean a drastic if not total change to the way we obtain fuel and recources to sustain a healthy and successful life. In conclusion, the idea of a total and absolute reduction of the greenhouse gases is unrealistic, because the main fact that many people are informed of the problem and many don't care unless it effects them on a personal level.


  1. So what do we do to cut down on those other gasses? If it is easy enough to do so without changing my daily life drastically, I don't see what the problem is. Unfortunately I don't know how to use less of them.

  2. Yeah, what are these gases and how do I use them? How drastically will it limit the greenhouse effect. If its not a big change our best bet might be to just cut out carbon dioxide.
