Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Australia: natures bathtub

In 2010-11 Australia stopped the oceans' rise and actually made it go down by about 7 millimeters because 3 different weather occurrences came together at once making Australia into a giant bathtub. Australia in 2010-11 received more than a foot extra rain all together. The oceans prior to Australia’s extreme raining rose at about 3 millimeters a year. After the weird weather halted they started rising at around 10 millimeters a year. If anyone has figured out a solution to global warming then they haven’t told anybody. But this kind of weather can not be stopped or fixed. We just kind of have to roll with the punches on this one. We cannot stop weather. I personally feel like the only way we can really stop global warming would be a global initiative to work on different energy solutions/ save more energy every day. It would be like earth day every day.


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