Friday, August 16, 2013

"Deadly Rip Currents Ravish the East Coast"

July 11, 2013                                                                                                                                                       Tabytha Beu

“Deadly Rip Currents Ravish the East Coast”

The rip currents of the summer of 2013 have become out of control.  Stretching along the east coast from Florida all the way up to Maine the deadly rip currents have been treacherous for surfers and swimmers alike.  There are over 100 deaths and tens of thousands of rescues from the rip currents annually.


A rip current is simply a fast moving collision of two or more waves.  The current causes the water to become extremely murky and difficult to escape.  Most swimmers caught in the current try to escape by swimming straight towards shore.  To most this seems the most logical way to avoid drowning, but to experts it is not the case.


Lifeguards and water safety experts say to swim towards shore at an angle due to there being multiple waves involved in the creation of the current.  Most who try to swim straight towards shore end of drowning or have to be rescued due to exhaustion and fatigue.


I myself got to witness the rip currents yesterday, July 10th, while I was visiting Kure Beach, NC.  When articles describe the water as being murky, that does not even begin to describe it.  The waves that I witnessed were closer to the color of ink.  The waves were ferocious and the tide was very high.  It is no wonder that so many deaths per year are attributed to deadly rip currents.


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